Me-go: Around-the-World

Where I Slept: Alleppey, India


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My bathroom in Alleppey

Alleppey, India | 23 January, 2007 | $6.77

Alleppey was really just a one night stopover on my way South, but I stumbled upon some interesting sights. While walking on the edge of town after a self-made tour of the colonial canals running through town, I saw a large field of military or police officers training children how to march. Along the beach at sunset more schoolchildren turned up to run into the waves and flirt with the boys who stayed a respectable distance down the beach.

Kerala was a refreshing break from dirty cities and crowded Indian cities. I don’t remember running into any other tourists in town and everyone went about their business with only a smile in my direction, not a sales pitch or pushy rickshaw driver in sight.

More photos of Alleppey can be seen in the gallery.