Me-go: Around-the-World

New York Times ‘All You Can Jet’ Article


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Those of you following my Twitter feed may have read that Seth Kugel, The Frugal Traveler, from the New York Times interviewed me last week. The article went up late last night. You can see my pictures and read about mine and others experiences during the All You Can Jet promotion here on the NYT website.

4 responses to “New York Times ‘All You Can Jet’ Article”

  1. Han Solo Avatar
    Han Solo

    “Ms. Kearney does a cartwheel at Plaza de Bolívar in downtown Bogotá.” Woot!

  2. Megan Avatar

    Everyone loves a good cartwheel photo. I was worried about finding someone to take that one. It was very busy and I didn’t see any tourists around. In the end I found a family on bikes who were standing in an area totally boxed in so they would have to go by me to steal my camera. They even joked about how easy it would be to take it but I figured they wouldn’t do that in front of their 10 year-old daughter. There’s a lot of strategy involved in picking a photographer! I won’t even go into details about all of the bird poop on that plaza.

  3. Lisa Avatar

    Hey!! This is great…too bad the article won’t load. 🙁
    But super cool nonetheless. How are you??
    Let’s catch up. I am about to pull the trigger on Colombia and will go in January!

    1. Megan Avatar

      The NYT seems to be having an issue with the Frugal Traveler blog at the moment. I’ll check back soon to see if it works itself out. Lets talk about Columbia soon!