Me-go: Around-the-World

Me-go Mix: Track 5


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Me-go Mix: Track 5
“Superstar” — S.H.E. (???)

This song was everywhere during my first trip to China in Phase I. It was blasting from every other storefront, sung by teenagers walking down the street and playing every time I turned on the TV. S.H.E., a Taiwanese trio formed from the winners of a singing contest, was huge in China. Although this is the only song I heard of theirs they have apparently released ten albums and amassed 4.5 million in sales. That’s no flash in the pan.

The Superstar video

6 responses to “Me-go Mix: Track 5”

  1. Jeffrey Avatar
    Jeffrey okay. This song is probably their most popular one, although to most people it’s a forced-upon.

    Megan, have you heard any song by ?? (Dao Lang) when you were in West China? And any Burmese cover of classic western songs when you were in Burma? I found the covers really nice but I can’t find them anywhere.

  2. Megan Avatar

    I haven’t heard Dao Lang that I know of. I will do some research to find some songs and let you know. Is he more popular or just popular in Western China?

    When I was in Burma in 2005 I bought two CDs, mostly Western covers. Two songs will be on the Me-go Mix (one is a Beatles cover) so hang tight. I heard Green Day in Burmese and tried to find it but never succeeded.

  3. Jeffrey Avatar

    Dao Lang is kind of a one-hit-wonder. His music is greatly influenced by that of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang. He was popular everywhere in China.

  4. chup Avatar

    SHE is my fav artist 😉

  5. Lucas Avatar

    i liked it. nice mix of pop with a distinctly chinese sound.

  6. Megan Avatar

    Glad everyone liked it. I think it’s probably the most popular song on the mix.