Me-go: Around-the-World

Where I Slept: Turmi, Ethiopia


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Hotel in Turmi, Ethiopia

Turmi, Ethiopia | 7 April, 2007 | $3.41

Turmi wasn’t much of a town. The dusty orange dirt road ran through a few concrete structures, and we stationed ourselves down the road at one of the only hotels in the area. We each had our own cement cell which became oppressively hot with the door closed. A large, covered restaurant stood in the middle of the dirt clearing where we spent our nights drinking beer, eating injera and dancing with the owner’s friends and family.

From the holes in our shower’s wall I could see across the expansive countryside dotted with traditional twig huts of the Hammer Tribe. The closest Hammer village put on a dance for the three of us one night in a clearing down the road. One girl took the opportunity of a dark night to run over and give me a kiss while she was waiting her turn to dance. I was surprised but I admit all of those stars are pretty romantic.

More photos of Turmi can be seen in the gallery.